Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rock You Like A Hurricane

I am getting to a place where I stay calm even when I want to explode.  I just try to breathe through it, go through every solution possible, and luckily, eventually there is harmony again.  I am as usual talking about the Joy of Parenthood.  My daughter wakes up in the middle of the night crying, I ask her if she wants to go to the bathroom, she just cries, I give her the option of sleeping on the couch, she just cries, then after asking her if she wants to sleep outside, she finally admits that she needs to go pee, Halleluya, after that she goes back to sleep.

My husband likes to say funny phrases from movies like "swim with the fishes," when he would say that to my kids they would think of Nemo and want to swim with the fishes.  There is a fine line between chaos and harmony, and I find myself walking that line like a robot.  Stiff, direct, trying to solve whatever is happening before it becomes a tantrum.

Today we went to a fun music hour, everyone had one child, or a couple with two, here I come with my crew, me and three, and my oldest is not in the mood, brooding, my daughter is clinging to me for dear life, and the baby is walking all over the place, not following the flow, just clapping when he feels like it, he had a grand ole time.  Like a Hurricane, I feel like we swoop in, cause a ruckus, definitely command attention, we do have the calm of the eye, and then its always drama to leave.  The rest of the storm, the kids never want to go, there are tears, there are promises, there are warnings, OY!  I guess they are my kids, they love to put on a SHOW.

Amazing about genes and character, we never know what we are going to get, but I definitely got some strong, powerful, and intense individuals.

Enjoy Your Sunday,
Coach Yulia

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