Saturday, August 24, 2013


The community we live in is so rich in Jewish cultures from all over the world, synagogues, food, and everything else you can imagine exists in Beverly Hills Adjacent :)  My husband has been part of one of the first synagogues out in this area for over 20 years, we just got an invite for the High Holidays coming up.  What I love best about the Chabad Jewish Community is that you are not paying for a building, my mother used to study with a group that would go to each others homes for that exact reason.

Right above the address is the most beautiful, open, inviting message:

Feel at home in our warm & friendly atmosphere.  No membership or experience required.

Contributions are made by regulars who are able, and there are fundraisers throughout the year.  I feel like the message is come, learn, and grow at your own pace, and just bring and share the real you.
I am very excited for the Jewish New Year, kids are growing, business is growing, and I am really feeling like I can focus more on my own health and fitness.

Every culture has a New Year and their own holidays, and in the USA there are celebrations all the time.  Even in the Jewish community there are different traditions on how to celebrate, but the holidays that are coming up are extra special for our community and its a month long event.  A spiritual connection, a celebration of life, and reevaluating where we have been and where we want to go.

So Excited,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy Your Weekend,
Coach Yulia


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