Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Puzzle

wrote this at Midnight, so inspired by the magic flow of life
Herbalife has brought so many pieces together for me - feeling grateful


Cause (someone) to feel confused because they cannot understand or make sense of something: "one remark he made puzzled me".
A game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge.

My husband is busy the next few days, and I had to figure out the kids and work and how to keep it all flowing.  I am constantly in awe of how things come when you need them, when you think about them, it is really just magic.

Since I have started to Doula, I have really needed to think about getting a babysitter that can come at night at the drop of some water :) especially if I am alone with the kids. Usually my husband is available, and with everything else it can be worked out, but in a Doula situation, go time is really go time.  So I have been compiling a list of babysitters, and one girl that I met almost a year ago called me out of the blue, and it could not have been more perfect timing.

I had met her right before our Herbalife annual event, and we clicked, she was going to school and watching kids for a living, she was going to join me, but last minute wasn't able to.  Now that I really need a babysitter, she has come back into my life, and she is interested in becoming an Herbalife Coach as well.  So we have been trying to get together just to hang out and catch up, and my time has been filled up with Mommy Camp.  Tonight I was really needing help, my husband was out of town and I wanted to teach my Pilates class, and one of my students wanted to buy some Herbalife Mango Aloe, so I reached out to my babysitter list, and my friend was available.  So I suggested we meet early at the Herbalife Active Nutrition Club so she can see what its all about.  I got held up at my kids swimming lesson, she was welcomed with open arms, loved it, we took the kids to pizza, and then she watched them at the park while I went to teach my class.  She came over, I put the older ones to sleep, they woke up at 5:30am AGAIN!  The baby was hanging with us, I am so happy she is back in my life, and hopefully we will be business partners, her energy is powerful, and she is stunning inside and out.

Thanks to my marriage and children, but also Thanks to Herbalife, I am now a Doula, I met a student teaching Yoga for my Herbalife business, she became pregnant, wanted me as her Doula because I was sharing with her how amazing my births were with a Doula.  I also met my Doula teacher through my Herbalife Mommy Hiking Group, she answered my meetup group wanting to network and promote her birthing classes.  Everything was perfect timing, just as it should be, I am in awe, and now my wonderful new friend is back in my life, impeccable timing - WOW!

I really feel like my puzzle is complete, and I love how puzzled and puzzling make so much sense as one is trying to piece together their puzzle.  Keep searching my friend, my journey is far from over, but for now my plate runneth over.  I was telling my husband once I have time I would like to look into Krav Maga, thinking a disciplined, focused, and intense workout may be just what I need to get in great shape, teach, and have balance.  We will see, now I feel satisfied, complete, content, happy, grateful, blessed, and sooooo good.

Feel Good My Friends,
Coach Yulia

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