Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mind Dump

This is a concept that I learned in the Next Level Seminar about getting everything out of the head on paper, and then organizing what is priority, and scheduling it in your calendar.  There is similar concept from the book The Artist's Way, which I read way back when I used to work on cruise ships. It was called Morning pages, the goal is to right down everything running through the head first thing in the morning, so it is out of the way, and you can go on with your day.  I enjoy reading those pages from time to time to see how I thought of my life and experiences and how I expressed myself.
I really like free flow writing, that is how I write this blog, my brain thinks it and I let my 90 words per minute fingers document the stream of thoughts.

This morning I had a private class at 9am, my husband took my kids to my mother in law, the plan was when I was done to meet him there, he would go on about his day and I have plans with the kids. As usual the mornings are full of energy bright and early starting at 6am, breakfast, play time, bath time, getting dressed, and everyone has their opinion about everything and has to express it loud and clear, even my baby.

So when they finally all left the house, I had ten minutes of quiet, got everything together, ran out the door, my client lives two minutes away.  We are both moms, and we are very flexible with our meetings, sometimes something comes up for me, today she totally blanked, she was out with her kids, and I honestly felt lucky to just have me time away from my kids.  We moms gotta stick together, so I decided to run home and Mind Dump, write some Morning Pages, right here on my blog.

Next week the kids start school, I am finishing up their swimming classes and my oldest has Karate class.  Once they go to school they are there a full day, and they just need to unwind at home and be in bed by 7pm to be ready to do it all over again the next day.  I have so many projects planned, especially getting my house in order.  Every since we got back from our summer trip and decided not to send kids to camp, I have not had a moment to deal with the house.  I am looking forward to really getting everything in order, throwing out what we don't need, and starting our Jewish New Year fresh, clean, and organized.

Right after school starts our holidays last a month, not so easy to keep a routine, a schedule, after the holidays which will be at the end of September, I will be able to commit to an exercise schedule, and more time allocated to promoting my business.

I really love quiet,
It is so rare,
It really fills me with such peace,
Even a few minutes of it recharges my batteries,
Had my Herbalife Chocolate Shake for Breakfast this morning,
Happy to feel full and happy to know my body has all the nutrients and fuel it needs to start my day,
Feeling blessed for finding what works for me,
Take time to find what works for you,
It really makes things flow,
Brings calm, order, and healthy habits that become part of your life,
Happy Tuesday,
Coach Yulia

My little artst, I started noticing whenever there is a pen, marker, crayon and paper around, he goes for it

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