Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You Can Recreate YOU Anytime!

This was the powerful message that stuck with me during our amazing holidays which will have its final days starting tomorrow evening.  I heard it on the first day during the New Year services, and it really stuck with me, I find the concept and reality so exciting, freeing, and tangible.

In Jewish teachings, human beings are made in the image of God, and since God has no image, we are forbidden to create idols or any other likeness, then since we are made in God's image, we have no one image either - makes sense?

So if there are addictions, hardships, challenging family relationships, none of that defines YOU.  We can always learn, grow, and move forward with what we choose, what defines us.  At one of our meals we had a powerful discussion about the twelve step programs, which are amazing, they really help people recognize and deal with their addiction.  There has to be a point however, that the addiction is not your identity anymore, for every person this will take a different amount of time.

As we grow up in our world, children are always asked what they want to do, we as adults are also asked what do we do, and many times in our current economy, one thing for your whole life is very rare.  My personality has never wanted to do just one thing, I needed the balance of multiple jobs, events, classes, and even fun.  I was never part of one group or crowd, I liked to know someone in every crowd, and I am still like that today.

It is fun observing how I operate and I invite you to do the same, where do you thrive, where do you feel empowered, where do you feel authentic?  We really do have a choice to live in that space, but there is one thing we have to do.  Spread the word, let people know, promote, be the example, lead, motivate, inspire, and just be you.

I love the concept of our image being variable, it is so exciting and leads to infinite possibilities.

Let's Shine this New Year,
Let's Inspire this New Year,
Let's BE THE EXAMPLE this New Year,
Coach Yulia

The kids are home all day today, no school because of the holidays and yesterday we had a bit of high tempers and not listening - The Joys of Parenthood :) posing happy smiles for the picture was the highlight of their day

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