Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Three Day Rule

What has your experience been with pacifiers?  I absolutely love them mainly for me to get a break and to chill the kids out.  There are so many pros and cons to it, but for me all three kids used it, and I am weaning my last one off of it now, and its been a crazy few nights.

With nursing the rule is three days, once you have not nursed for three days then the baby starts getting used to whatever other method you are using, it is also the Jewish law about nursing.  I stopped nursing my baby after six months, my milk ran low, he was my third in five years, and I was OK with it.

So we have been in a non stop revelry this past month, all with culminate this coming weekend with an insane party where people literally go synagogue hopping, drinking, and partying into the wee hours.  I forgot to mention that I wouldn't be blogging for a couple of days, the way the holidays have fallen this year is in three day cycles where we are cut off from the world.  Not TV, phone, computer, or driving.  I absolutely love stepping off our over stimulated world and into a festive, fun, caring, learning, and delicious community celebration.

So starting this past Wednesday night, Jewish people build little huts and eat and sometimes sleep with them, and are excited to invite guests.  We were not able to build one in our place, so we were blessed to be invited to new friends and had a blast.  For my kids it is fun but also long late hours, so everyone has been a bit cranky and extra over tired, wired, crazy energy.

Thursday night we finished our night meal at almost midnight, and were tired so on the walk home, which wasn't far at all, I realized we left our only pacifier.  I took it as a sign that it was time to just let it go.  The main reason because the only time my baby would wake up at night is when it would fall out of his mouth - DONE!

With my first, he had it until three years old, and luckily we really lost all of the millions we had and explained to him that we lost it and he was OK with it and let it go.  This was a kid that without one would not stop, it was the only way to get him to nap and relax in general.  My daughter at nine months started to only cry when it fell out of her mouth while sleeping, so we decided it was time to stop right there and then.  My baby is just turning 18 months, I think its perfect timing, before he gets more attached, and Thank God, he is our easy going guy, and loves to sleep.  The last few nights have been hell, but tonight we kept him up late, laid down with him and after thinking we were playing, he slowly fell asleep with no fuss - Day 3 - I tell you, babies need three days to get it.

It definitely would make a difference if there was a younger baby with one and many other factors, but as hard as it has been the last few days, I figured we were so off of any schedule anyone, and luckily my older two are amazing sleepers, he was screaming throughout the night the past few nights and they were happily in their deep sleep, Thank God!

We have a few days before our final holidays begin, looking forward to it all, and there will be a celebration once I am free of diapers.  Funny what gets us excited at different points in our life.

Shavua Tov,
Chag Sameach,
Happy rest of your weekend,
Coach Yulia

My friend just sent me this picture, the baby is maybe six months, my daughter is just over two, amazing how much her hair has grown, pictures really show us moments captured, with children we are forced to be present

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