Monday, September 30, 2013

When you have a lot to do, just remember two things

This is a Russian anecdote, there are so many, and this one rings true in any language.  All you have to do when you don't know where to begin is just 1. start and 2. finish!

The OCTOBER CHALLENGE starts tomorrow, I asked for details yesterday, let's see your commitment, focus, and clear vision to your goal.  What I would also love is a before picture, I will have a file with all of your details, so you can just forget about it and just do it, start walking, start cutting out one thing that is your vice, what are you committed to for the OCTOBER CHALLENGE?

I am committed to put a dent into the 30 pounds I want to lose, and to say bye bye to my belly, loved you with a baby inside, but now I am done!

So excited, as I am writing I am talking to my friends all over the country about the challenge, it will be so fun to support each other and do it together.

Next Monday I will be leading a workout at La Cienega Park, there is a great track and workout area and I will bring my trampoline!  I am trying to accommodate all schedules so next Monday will be at 1:30pm.

This week, Thursday October 3, Stroller Walk with Baby and Workout, La Cienega Park, 10:30am.

I am trying out different times, so I will update you each day and each week on that weeks activities.  Get together in your hometowns and start a walking group, or even workout together to your favorite video, just do something :)

These workouts are exclusively for Ladies and only $5, it will include nutrition consultations, bodyfat testing, and making a plan to reach your goals.

Gentlemen if you are interested in nutrition consultations or bodyfat testing please reach out, and I can refer you to workouts in the area as well.

Email your photo and measurements to or send it to me in Facebook, and I would love a before picture, they really tell the story of the journey, even if we don't see it right away.

I am so excited, there is so much to say, but I think I have said it so far, looking forward to your submissions, and to get started on our Healthy Active Lifestyle.

Coach Yulia

Love Yourself to get Fit For Life


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Parenting Tips

I went to the most amazing class the other day about parenting and I wanted to share, mor einfo could be found on Vickie Falcone's website,

There were a few points that I loved most, she said that kids hear over 400 commands a day, and if were asking a question or directing rather than demanding and commanding, kids would feel powerful, heard, important, and loved.  Getting down to their level when we talk to them, and also using less words.  It's like a sales technique, its better to be silent after having your say, whoever speaks first shows their hand too early and can get taken advantage of. 

I know sometimes I use too many words to try to explain a situation to the kids, and they couldn't care less.  We have to be clear, consistent, and always with unconditional love, and make sure they know there is always a second chance.

Before we become parents, usually we don't go to a school, sometimes we inherit our wonderful traits from our families.  I am trying to discipline yet leave room for their independent spirit, it's not easy, but I love that they are so strong and know what they want and won't back down.

Speaking of not backing down, the OCTOBER CHALLENGE is on, I would like to invite everyone that reads this blog, and anyone else who is ready to look good in their Halloween Costume, LOL, or just get fit after all of our Jewish Holidays.  Please email, or text me 323.377.0707 your:

1. Height
2. Weight
3. Body Fat
(if you can go to a gym or have someone do it for you, I can do it for you if you live close)
4. Chest/Waist/Hips/Upper Right Thigh/Upper Right Arm measurements
(get measure tape at 99 cent! or have a friend do it for you, or come to my house :)

I need these measurements by October 1, 2013, and we will remeasure November 1, 2013 - I will tell you mine, I am over mine!!!! My weight has not budged, we will see what my bodyfat and inches are, I know my clothes fit better, and I feel great, but I got to shake my money maker, cardio baby.

Depending on where you live, the winner will get a private session or my Yoga DVD, or I can connect you to someone local in your area.  The biggest prize however will be how you look and feel.

Who is with me?
More Details To Come,
I will support you with exercise and nutrition tips,
Do this with your friends,
Let's Go!
Coach Yulia


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Serving and Cleaning and Serving and Cleaning...

This past month has been a doozy, non stop celebration, totally stepping off the world and routines to be part of ancient traditions, tons of food, and now its done and I am glad.  Vacations and holidays make us appreciate coming back home and getting back to our routine. 

FINALLY the kids are all asleep and I can get back to blogging, its been a few days, and now there won't be any holidays for quite a while.  I am so excited to get everyone into getting healthy and fit in a fun way.  This is like New Years Day for the Jewish community, everyone is so stuffed, and done eating excessively, and definitely put on a few in the last month, looking to start fresh.

That is all we can really do is just start fresh, and find something that feels good, is fun, and easily fits into our schedule and lifestyle.  A tall order?  I don't think so, its making something available, affordable, and easy to get to, fun to do, I am ready to meet that need.

I am calling for an OCTOBER CHALLENGE, and I am opening it up to everyone in LA, all my friends all over the USA, and all my friends all over the world.  Why don't you bring your friends along too? More details to come tomorrow, they say you are 15% more productive, efficient, and motivated exercising with a friend, imagine a group of friends.

So the title of this post specifically refers to my kids, but also to this month of holidays where it is a big part to have meals and guests, usually twice a day, everyone is cooking non stop.  So for a lot of people it has been all about serving and cleaning, and as a mom I feel that is what I do all day when I am home with them, serving and cleaning the never ending mess.

I always remind myself these are good problems to have,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Good Luck to all my fellow Herbalife Coaches in the Herbalife Triathlon of Los Angeles tomorrow,
Coach Yulia 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Everybody is going to say "I love your buttons!"

It takes my daughter a while to pick out the perfect outfit, she is 3 1/2, and she loves to say that everyone will say how beautiful it looks.  Today it was more specific about the buttons :)
It was so hot the last few days, I was planning to go today to the splash pad, but today it is a bit overcast, playing it by ear, I have a hair appointment late afternoon, and our holiday starts tonight, but I want to take the kids out for a bit.
One of the things I do everyday is meet new people, I absolutely love it.  Every time I am out with the kids I love to connect with other moms, to introduce them to all of my coaching services, and just to share tips and stories.  I met an amazing mom the other day that told me about a free parenting workshop that gave some amazing tips.  I will write about it more at a later time, but the gist was that kids just want us to respect and listen to what they really want, and also crave direction and guidance, it is how we approach it that is the key, stay tuned :)
I love connecting with adults and its a bonus when my kids meet new friends, and I love that because it has always been like this, they are so open to meeting new friends everywhere we go, they are fun and friendly kids, Thank God.
We are so blessed with our Los Angeles weather, the cool feels so good, but of course I want the hot right now for the kids, and there is nothing wrong with wanting it our way, but accepting what is.
I guess that is how kids operate, they want it their way, and I love to sing them the rolling stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want," and now I hear my daughter singing it around the house!
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You Can Recreate YOU Anytime!

This was the powerful message that stuck with me during our amazing holidays which will have its final days starting tomorrow evening.  I heard it on the first day during the New Year services, and it really stuck with me, I find the concept and reality so exciting, freeing, and tangible.

In Jewish teachings, human beings are made in the image of God, and since God has no image, we are forbidden to create idols or any other likeness, then since we are made in God's image, we have no one image either - makes sense?

So if there are addictions, hardships, challenging family relationships, none of that defines YOU.  We can always learn, grow, and move forward with what we choose, what defines us.  At one of our meals we had a powerful discussion about the twelve step programs, which are amazing, they really help people recognize and deal with their addiction.  There has to be a point however, that the addiction is not your identity anymore, for every person this will take a different amount of time.

As we grow up in our world, children are always asked what they want to do, we as adults are also asked what do we do, and many times in our current economy, one thing for your whole life is very rare.  My personality has never wanted to do just one thing, I needed the balance of multiple jobs, events, classes, and even fun.  I was never part of one group or crowd, I liked to know someone in every crowd, and I am still like that today.

It is fun observing how I operate and I invite you to do the same, where do you thrive, where do you feel empowered, where do you feel authentic?  We really do have a choice to live in that space, but there is one thing we have to do.  Spread the word, let people know, promote, be the example, lead, motivate, inspire, and just be you.

I love the concept of our image being variable, it is so exciting and leads to infinite possibilities.

Let's Shine this New Year,
Let's Inspire this New Year,
Let's BE THE EXAMPLE this New Year,
Coach Yulia

The kids are home all day today, no school because of the holidays and yesterday we had a bit of high tempers and not listening - The Joys of Parenthood :) posing happy smiles for the picture was the highlight of their day

Monday, September 23, 2013

Showing our children life could be positive and calm

Even though my buttons could definitely be pushed, I am constantly aware of the world around me and how there are messages and events that our kids are bombarded with.  No matter what happens in the world, my goal is to be the positive, calm rock for my children.

Whether it is family, friends, or the world around us, it is my mission to be the explainer, the listener, the positive view, the we can get through anything together, and lets learn a lesson.

When my kids wake up in the morning, they really feel their best, yes she slept in her princess dress, but not her crown, she put it on first thing.  Thank God they all love their sleep, they are calm, happy, and I take that time to hang with them give them a lot of hugs and kisses, and just enjoy that energy.  My daughter brought some books and everyone grabbed one and was enjoying the quiet dawn, perfection.

As the day progresses, things arise, tempers rise, and heads butt, and my intention is to be fully present and counteract it all with a positive and calm response, I am taking this on fully.  My family life is such a blessing, and it is the area in which my yearning for a calm and positive state of mind is challenged daily.  I take on that challenge, and will reach deep inside myself, my gut, my need for balance and shine the light onto my kids, and keep on bringing into my work, where it is welcomed.
I feel so blessed to have my work where my calm and positive nature is expected and needed.  I met with a beautiful Doula client today, I am so honored to support her journey into motherhood for the first time.
Feeling Focused,
Feeling Blessed,
Feeling Aware,
Feeling Ready To Be Me Everywhere,
Be You,
That is what the world needs,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Last night was great for my baby, but I still feel off from our non stop holiday nights and long days, no routine for the kids, and the past few nights being long and sleepless.

There were some events going on today, but my kids were playing nicely, and I was getting some stuff done around the house.  This afternoon I went to an amazing Herbalife training, learning from my fellow Health Coaches and Leaders.  Everytime I am around happy, positive, and healthy people, I get re energized and inspired to keep on spreading the word and being an example of happy and healthy for my community.

Now back home, finally got the baby to bed, hopefully it will be a good night.  The kids threw all their toys around their room, so the moment I stepped in the door we were all trying to put everything away before bed time.  We have been out all day the past few days, so a day at home is a good balance.

I am hoping I get the best nights sleep ever tonight, meeting with a Doula client tomorrow morning, and going to find something fun to do with the kids, they don't have school until the following Monday.

I think I am letting myself feel the tiredness, so I have energy for the last days of the holiday.
Wish me luck!!! These are good problems :)
Coach Yulia