Sunday, July 28, 2013

Late Start

I only mean to get out of the house, other than that, quite a lot has been accomplished :) I just reposted on my Facebook a blog by a woman who was talking about things that make us happy, and even though we don't necessarily like doing it, chores are one of those things.  Feels so good when there is no clutter, feels so good when things are done.

If you have been following since last week, my clean laundry has been piling up, I like things a certain way, so unless I do it, it doesn't get done, and when I am running around with the kids and come back exhausted, especially once they fall asleep, I just want to stop, do nothing, or do something for me.  Finally today we woke up at the crack of dawn, thanks to my oldest, he has an inner 6am alarm going off every morning, no matter when he goes to sleep.  Once they had breakfast, I started on the tons of clothes, finished, more were getting washed, once everyone had their baths, I put the older ones to a movie and indulged in a nap with my baby.  Yesterday was a bit of a sleepless night, he was just tossing and turning, brought him to our bed early on, didn't want him to wake the other kids, he still likes to hold my hand to fall asleep.

So I was attempting to take them to a 10am event, and decided to be productive and rest and then enjoy the rest of the day, they just had lunch, the baby just woke up, rest of the laundry put away, and we are off to the park for a community get together, and then to our synagogue for another celebration.

It was a bit chilly this morning, by LA standards, of course it is such heat waves everywhere else, but now, wow, it is magic weather, excited to get outside.

Enjoy your Sunday,
Coach Yulia

My kids love to create a bus, RV, or limousine out of their pillows and covers, I just snapped this, they were upset that I interrupted their game - oops! and you see the little pillow on the left with stripes - that is the TV :)

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