Wednesday, July 24, 2013

From Joy To Jerk

This morning I get a call from a potential Doula client that was referred by my Doula teacher, and it really made my day.  I loved the conversation we had, I loved her goals, and I felt so happy to be in the zone. Everyone has a different zone for different reasons, for me my work zone is my high zone, my joy zone, my balance zone, and in a way my safe haven from insanity.  Sound extreme?  It is amazing that I come from a very giving family, and I also love to help and contribute, but only when it comes from the soul and it is meaningful to the other person.  Even with gifts, I only like to give gifts that the person will actually use and have a purpose for and love it for that reason.  It was such a pleasure to Doula talk, and I also love Yoga, Nutrition, and overall Health talk, it just fuels my soul.

So I was deciding what to do with the kids today, they had an awesome swim lesson early in the morning and then late in the evening there was a kids event at a local mall, so I wasn't sure how to fill in the in between.  So we ended up going on our local metro, it was so fun for the kids to be in a "train" and cheap, easy, and fast for me.  We got to a very popular museum square much faster than a car, and as much as gas is now, much cheaper.  So here is where the JERK comes in, I have never taken the LA Metrolink before, there was a guy there, not so good English, and I was asking him how do I get a pass, is there a charge for the kids.  I just didn't want to think at that point, I just wanted to get on and go.  I have no problem asking anyone for anything, especially when I am lost or need help figuring something out, but I think guy was just waiting for a sucker.  There is a card called TAP, which you have to get, if I would have just followed the directions, it would have worked.  He put his own TAP card in the machine, and had me put in my money, acting like he was explaining to me how to do it.  I was asking him where did MY MONEY go, why did he put his card, what is on my car, and then he pushed another button and got me some transfer ticket that I didn't need. OMG - I bet he was just trying to get fare money.  I walked away saying, lucky you, now you have some money on your card, please do not help anyone else, but probably not as nice.

ran into a friend, hung in his stroller, had some snacks

We didn't stay long because the butterfly exhibit I wanted to go to was booked until too late, and the kids were so happy just to hop on back on that train ride back to our car.  I decided to head to the mall early, there is a fun kids play area there, and lucky for us we ran into the kids school friends, and I got to hang with the moms, it was perfect.

My Lion on Stage, He Roared!

We ended up staying for the 6pm show, which was cute but definitely too late for my age kids, my son enjoyed it and even got on stage, they dressed him like a lion and he roared. The theme was large cats, so they also learned about cheetahs, jaguars, tigers, and leopards.

I recently twisted my ankle, luckily its getting better fast, and today while driving home from this insanely long day of Mommy Camp, my baby dropped his pacifier, his seat is directly behind mine, I did my best to reach for it, and totally twisted my shoulder and got the sharpest pain.  Thank God it feels OK now, and then I was in traffic so I stopped the car, got out, got the pacifier, got back in my car, it wouldn't go into DRIVE! Lately it has been jamming on me, sometimes won't go into park - SCARY.  I finally figured it out how to reset it, but wow, am I happy to be home, and my husband had dinner ready, and now is putting the baby to bed.


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