Day by day my friends, that's all we can do as people, wives, husbands, parents, etc. It is so important to realize that we all have walked different walks, and even if it was the same walk, each person sees it from a completely different angle.
I always tell moms, no pregnancy, birth, or baby is the same, and when people tell you stories, even family, always do your research, ask your doctor and make your own informed decision. If the story seems to be going in a scary direction, just tell them that "my doctor said not to listen to stories!"
So Yesterday in the morning I was all full of energy for the day, and then boom, I crashed, I was exhausted, it was a combination of things. First of all I am nursing non stop, and not sleeping much, all good reasons, but since my baby was a preemie, I am feeding on demand, and Thank God he is just 3 months, and chubby in the right places :)
Second of all the day before on Tuesday, I was in "Super Hot Mama" mode, did 2 workouts, had a class in the evening, and had the kids with me most of the day while trying to reorganize the house, get rid of stuff I do not need. I was going on Adrenaline, and maybe because Wednesday most of the country was off, I felt that energy too, just heavy, tired, lazy - I tell you the energy of kids really drains me - Thank God for schools, camps, educators, and anyone else that has the gift, talent, and energy to work with children. Honestly sleep determines my mood big time, before kids I used to nap all the time, that was my recharge. Now after 3 kids in 4 1/2 years, I think I have had the luxury of sleep right before the baby was born, both my kids were sleeping through the night, and the kids were in school most of the day. I am grumpy, annoyed, complaining, not a very nice mommy to be around, especially with high energy kids.
Lastly, in order to operate at your optimal level, you have to fuel yourself correctly. On Tuesday during my non stop workouts and busy all day, I had my 2 shakes, one meal which was dinner, and snacked non stop throughout the day. I feel like my metabolism is non stop, and sweatier than usual, I used to never sweat, sorry for too much information, but if this helps me lose weight the natural way, bring it. Yesterday my husband made a delicious breakfast so I did not have my shake first thing in the morning, and it totally had me craving food non stop, and making the wrong choices all day. When you do not have a protein and vitamin based breakfast in the morning, your blood sugar is like a roller coaster, and leaves you exhausted.
I am feeling better today, had a nice hot mama walk, and now home trying to get some stuff done, do you ever really get anything done? :) ! OY VEY
I feel blessed for my adventure of being a wife and mother, you get what you asked for right? I wanted someone a little nuts and I got a whole bunch of "little nuts."
Thank God for it All,
Coach Yulia
I always tell moms, no pregnancy, birth, or baby is the same, and when people tell you stories, even family, always do your research, ask your doctor and make your own informed decision. If the story seems to be going in a scary direction, just tell them that "my doctor said not to listen to stories!"
So Yesterday in the morning I was all full of energy for the day, and then boom, I crashed, I was exhausted, it was a combination of things. First of all I am nursing non stop, and not sleeping much, all good reasons, but since my baby was a preemie, I am feeding on demand, and Thank God he is just 3 months, and chubby in the right places :)
Second of all the day before on Tuesday, I was in "Super Hot Mama" mode, did 2 workouts, had a class in the evening, and had the kids with me most of the day while trying to reorganize the house, get rid of stuff I do not need. I was going on Adrenaline, and maybe because Wednesday most of the country was off, I felt that energy too, just heavy, tired, lazy - I tell you the energy of kids really drains me - Thank God for schools, camps, educators, and anyone else that has the gift, talent, and energy to work with children. Honestly sleep determines my mood big time, before kids I used to nap all the time, that was my recharge. Now after 3 kids in 4 1/2 years, I think I have had the luxury of sleep right before the baby was born, both my kids were sleeping through the night, and the kids were in school most of the day. I am grumpy, annoyed, complaining, not a very nice mommy to be around, especially with high energy kids.
Lastly, in order to operate at your optimal level, you have to fuel yourself correctly. On Tuesday during my non stop workouts and busy all day, I had my 2 shakes, one meal which was dinner, and snacked non stop throughout the day. I feel like my metabolism is non stop, and sweatier than usual, I used to never sweat, sorry for too much information, but if this helps me lose weight the natural way, bring it. Yesterday my husband made a delicious breakfast so I did not have my shake first thing in the morning, and it totally had me craving food non stop, and making the wrong choices all day. When you do not have a protein and vitamin based breakfast in the morning, your blood sugar is like a roller coaster, and leaves you exhausted.
I am feeling better today, had a nice hot mama walk, and now home trying to get some stuff done, do you ever really get anything done? :) ! OY VEY
I feel blessed for my adventure of being a wife and mother, you get what you asked for right? I wanted someone a little nuts and I got a whole bunch of "little nuts."
Thank God for it All,
Coach Yulia
Good spirit Yulia, U R the best.