I have committed to exercising Monday through Friday, yesterday my Hot Mama Power Walk got cancelled and I was wondering what to do with baby. Nearby we have the Culver City Stairs, they are really intense, this is only 1/4 of them, and they are steep, its like doing lunges as you climb. I had Matisyahu on me, and he was a trooper as I huffed and puffed my way up. I met amazing people along the way, and felt great when I got to the top. I am inspired to do a Hot Mama Fit Club here, once we get to the top, we can do some Yoga and Pilates and with our babies :) I will keep you posted when I get the day and time figured out.
Apparently the fresh air and walk did my baby some good too, sound asleep once I put him in his car seat, stylin' in his beret :) I feel so blessed to have my health and fitness mission. I had a new guy come to my Pilates class yesterday at 24 Hour Fitness, he was only 24, his appendix had burst 2 years ago, and his pupils and legs stop moving, he got misdiagnosed with some long named disease, got on the wrong medications which exhausted him, and was recommended to have bed rest. Finally a second opinion found out it was a rare virus connected to the burst appendix, did physical therapy and was recommended yoga and pilates, he looks amazing and is so blessed to have his health.
Hospitals, doctors, and medications are sooooooooooooooo scary! Honestly folks, if you are not investing in your health now, you will eventually have to pay for your doctors bills and drugs, and the drugs always have side effects, which you need other drugs for, and then more side effects - get the picture? The pharmaceutical industry is a business, and yes Thank God medications are there for those that really need it, but boy do they love when you need it for the rest of your life. I prefer to have my shake and exercise for the rest of my life.
In our modern times people are much more aware how preventive maintenance will give them better quality of life, because we are living longer, might as well feel our best and look our best. Dr. Oz said when you take care of yourself 40 is the new 20 - YAY in October I will look 20 but have the wisdom of 40 - best of both worlds. People are actively investing in gyms, nutrition programs, retreats, holistic ways of healing, and anything else that keeps them out of the hospital.
Jump on my bandwagon my friends,
lets lead by example,
lets feel and look our best,
whether you just want it for you,
or you want to inspire others,
I am looking for people that are ready to live their best life,
Coach Yulia
Matisyahu so original, why this name? Otherwise i think it is marvellous what U do and U R such a tough cookie when U want to...jajaja