Amazing how fast it goes, just starting walking a month ago, and now climbing all on his own, today he just did it, I was just hanging out and before I knew it he climbed to the top - WOW. My day started out famously, hmmm that word just felt right, lets see what it means.
fa·mous·ly (f
1. In a way or to an extent that is well known: "his famously neurotic mannerisms [are] lampooned in the novels of Evelyn Waugh" (James Atlas).
2. With the result of becoming famous: "Frost had famously declared that poetry is what gets lost in translation" (David Lehman).
3. Excellently; splendidly: We got along famously.
So number three is how my day has been, started out with taking my teacher's Yoga class, I REALLY needed it. During our travels I did not do it, and since I have been home, there was no energy and no good time. Once I got home I took the kids to my mother in law and afterwards to one of their favorite parks. They had a blast and I got to meet two really cool moms, which I instantly connected to on Facebook. I really love moms, it is just instant bonding, instant understanding, and so nice to just share with someone who gets it.
Just got home, baby is napping, kids are playing, and we are getting ready for our Shabbat guests, after my blog that is :) I still have those clean clothes to put away, dinner is cooking, the house is clean, Thank God for my other half.
I am ready to really head out and mingle tomorrow,
Feeling Detoxed From Our RV Adventure,
Feeling Like Myself,
Feels Good,
Ready for the Day of Rest,
Have a Wonderful Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia
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