![saw this on a Marathon page.....](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/44817_10151341005032167_2053396474_n.jpg)
It takes me a few days to process tragedy, my mind really does not understand why someone would want to hurt someone else. Thanks to my grandmother and my mother, I really do live in a really happy world in my head, of course things happen, but I do really believe there is a lot of good in the world. So when something horrible happens, I really shut down, do not want to talk about it or deal with it, because it does not make any sense. There have been many beautiful voices during this time which have helped me process and I want to share them with you. Some are not so beautiful, but direct and intense and say it how it is. I love reality, and I like people who are 100% themselves, no excuses. This is a guy on Facebook that is sometimes crude and rude, but he really makes a clear point, and I think expresses how a lot of people feel.
Boston. I see many people posting pictures and videos of the attack on FB or other sites. I myself have saved a few and find myself conflicted on the idea of posting said pictures and videos. On one hand I feel it would violate the victims or somehow be seen as an act to bask in the light of something horrible. Use it for attention and a chance to jump on my soapbox. In the other hand I feel some...thing like this should be shown to the public. To the PEOPLE so we can realize together how very real the attacks on our integrities our freedoms our LIVES are. I decided for the time being to simply post this. Any man woman or child that has had their life altered by this event.. My heart aches for you. I wish you healing. Health. And recovery. Emotionally physically financially. Now. With that said. Any man or group that decides its ok to attack innocent civilians or views us as "casualties of war".... Go fuck yourselves. We as a people will not break. We may very well bend and even contort but as each day passes we will stiffen. We will continue our lives knowing we as a country are ten times what you and your dirty dusty piss ant patch of Earth will EVER be. You will get yours. You will be found. There is no hiding. There are no virgins waiting for you. Only justice. And if your not attached to some clandestine cult.. Your just an everyday nut job that needs a heavy dose of medication... Here is some news for you. You are STILL a TERRORIST. You will still have yours served to you. Attack us all you want with your cowardly shadow shit. We will band together cost to cost and heal. STILL BETTER THAN YOU
Then there are super sad realities, about the little 8 year old boy Martin who was killed waiting for his father to cross the finish line, and his sister and mother were injured, his father wrote this:
Opposite of my view of a happy world, my husband loves to watch news, and of course its sensationalized and when a horrible tragedy happens, all shows stop and its the only focus 24/7. Also all of those detective and medical shows, so much violence, no thanks. He is always telling me to be careful, something can go wrong. No thanks, I don't want to live like that.
Do You Know?
Some people are afraid of being too happy because they think something tragic is going to happen soon -- This is known as Cherophobia.
Some people are afraid of being too happy because they think something tragic is going to happen soon -- This is known as Cherophobia.
The media magnifies the unusual...
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