Monday, December 31, 2012


What is that you ask?  My Russian folk know it well, many Jewish folk may it is instead of a rice.  I grew up eating it for breakfast with cottage cheese, and all my kids love it, today was the baby's first time and he ate it up!


  1. A soft food made from cooked buckwheat or similar grain.
  2. Uncooked buckwheat groats.

Lately a few clients and others who are just ready to get started have called me up and said, Yulia, I am ready lets go!  I get so excited when someone is really ready, a friend came over yesterday, I did all her measurements, we set a goal to lose 25 pounds by April for a wedding of her friend, I gave her the basic plan, and some guidelines how to structure her meals.  The interesting thing is, most of what she was telling me, she already knew how to eat right, the Herbalife Nutrition Program, just made it easier and more convenient around what she was already doing.

Here are the basics my friends, besides the Healthy Meal Shake, which could be a meal or a snack, depends on your goal, here is what I, google, and every nutritionist in the world recommends.

1. Water
2. Protein (Lean meats, Dairy, Beans, Nuts, I have a list if anyone is interested in details)
3. Whole Grains (buckwheat is one of them :)
4. Healthy Fats (Avocado, Olive Oil, etc)
5. Fruits and Vegetables

We all know what to do, or mostly, all we are missing is an accountability partner, someone to point us in the right direction and track our progress, a cheerleader that celebrates success along the way.

I would love to be that for you in this New Year :)

Happy New Year Everyone,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, December 30, 2012

What does the weekend mean to you?

At different points of our lives, and in different cultures the weekend is something totally different for everybody.  In my single and secular as opposed to observant life, the weekend was work and fun.  Throughout my life I loved working at night clubs, it made sense to me to dress up, have fun, and get paid while cocktail waitressing, bartending, or even performing with a troupe.  The interesting thing is that right before I met my husband, I was feeling ready to give up night work, it really does mess with your sleep, and I did take a lot of naps, but then the day would be lost.  I remember in my college days in Miami going straight from the after hours to the classroom, luckily there are all kinds of characters, so everyone dressed however they dressed, and I was definitely one of the characters.

My philosophy was always to put fun into the mix of anything I was doing.  It was ok not to get straight A's, B's were fine, as long as I was living life right along with my learning.  My parents always told us we had to get a Bachelor's Degree, luckily I found Hospitality Management, which was tourism, hotels restaurants, all about the business of it, but also cooking classes, engineering, law, and anything else pertaining to the industry.  It was a great degree, I learned a little bit of everything, which is my style.  I really admire my friends that were fully comitted to their education and had amazing goals, and it was their main focus.  I have never been a "main focus" kind of person, I feel claustrophobic with one thing in my life, so blessed now to have a family and work that I love, and there is all kinds of aspects to my work, THANK GOD!

It is so important to figure out what kind of person you are, and what you like, and keep on looking until you find it.

Now my weekends are about a wonderful Day of Rest, where my only focus is my family and my community.  No outside world distractions like TV, phone, car, or computer.  It really does feel like a break from it all, and the kids love the whole tradition, we walk to the synagogue, they love to play with their friends, they love the food and non stop celebrations about the beauty and balance of life, and lessons learned from the past.

Sundays are usually either errands, or a fun activity or birthday party, or even some work for me with Yoga classes and Beach Bootcamp.  Today we are all staying in, getting better from our sniffles and coughs, and the most important thing to me is that they go to school tomorrow, two days at home with all three, I AM EXHAUSTED :) Not much sleep, no time for mama to nurture my cold, its all good, with everyone out of the house tomorrow, I will be able to focus on me.  Luckily the baby is just fine, as usual, Thank God!

Happy Weekend,
However you choose to spend it,
Happy New Year,
Coach Yulia

Cruise ship life was a non stop weekend, took a lot of naps, shifts were from as early as 6am, of course meals and breaks in between.  I worked at the front desk, Purser, for a year, then 2 years as Cruise Staff, I had to drink with the passengers and make sure they were having a good time :)  It was some of the most fun adventures and memories.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Nurture Your Inner Child

Look closely, baby found his way under the table, Eli Tzvi on top, Ziona Sofia trying to get in on the action.  As a kid there really is never a boring moment.  I really enjoy how the baby is finding his way around, and get so excited to crawl to me, and when he sees something he wants, he knows he can get it.  I also love how my older two have such interesting games.  Lately she likes to be the mommy, and he likes to be a lion, how this goes together, I am not sure.  She is pushing her baby dolls in a stroller, and he carries a puppy in his teeth.

Today was so awesome, he has something that's like a fake microphone that echoes when you talk into it.  He came to me and said they were playing pirates, he put it to his eye like he was looking through a telescope, I just looked it up and in Pirate speak, its called a Spyglass :)  So he said he saw a ship, I went to their room, and high up on a shelf was a "Noah's Ark" ship, I had a huge smile on my face.  LOVE!

I was thinking today how with our babies and children, we are concerned with the basics, food, rest, bodily functions working properly, and happiness.  Shouldn't these important factors in our well being carry over into adulthood, or even adolescence?  So crazy how at such a young age, people want to fit into a society "norm" and starve themselves, start experimenting with things that are not good for us, and really beat up the body.

Yeah, I had a fun single life, luckily I did not get lost in it, and health and fitness was always my priority.

I challenge all of my readers to make a choice this New Year.  Choose Health, Life, and Happiness.  I love how my Yoga teacher says bodily functions should be pleasant :)  When our body works right, and we are surrounded by people we care about, and do what we love, there is minimal stress, and life is good.

Currently I am going through the natural stress of child rearing, which everyone tells me will pass by before a blink of an eye.  We are all under the weather, and did not leave the house today, and will not be leaving the house tomorrow.  This morning we heard Thunder in LA, it is very rare, so rare that I thought it might have been a loud garbage truck outside, until I heard some more, and my husband told me he saw lightning.  My neighbor also was laughing with me, when she thought it might have been something loud in the alley.

So my fellow adults, lets start getting back inward, find that inner child, what makes you really happy?  What kind of activities do you like to do?  What are your favorite foods to eat, lets work them into and around a healthy, balanced nutrition program.  Some of the poses we do in Yoga have us bringing the knees toward the shoulders, just like they were when we were in the womb.  Other poses are silly and make us laugh, laughter really is the best medicine.

Feeling blessed to get my own health in check, going to Dr. appointments, getting blood work.  I really feel all the preventive maintenance is so necessary, but it is also important to make sure to track where you really are.  You always hear stories about the healthiest people suddenly having some serious health issue.  Make this the year you know where you are, where you want to go, and have someone that will be with you every step of the way.  I love that I am that someone for a living, lets do it together :)

Coach Yulia

Friday, December 28, 2012


OMG! Between almost the end of the world, the world stopping on December 25th, Everyone ready to bring in 2013, the energy of the world is a bit off.  Not to mention all the horrific things happening in the news to innocent people lately.

Locally, everyone I know has some kind of cold, sniffle, flu, cough, etc.  My body is fighting so hard, but I just feel weak.  I am wiping three noses, and my husband started feeling off last night.

Soooo excited to stop it all, not going anywhere tomorrow, just letting everyone rest and recuperate.  Maybe if the kids and my husband feel good they could go to synagogue, the baby and I will disconnect from the world, enjoy peace and quiet, and sleep deep, ohhh how I love my deep sleep.

Whatever you are doing this weekend, for the New Year, have a great time, but remember the next day life goes on.  It is kind of the opposite of the Day of Rest, where we recharge for the week, here we have a night of decadence, and then sometimes don't feel so good the next day, and sometimes even dread jumping back into life.


What do you have to do to start loving your life?

What must Change?

Communication, Career, Relationships?  All of these questions get pondered at this time of year, what category are you in?

1. Satisfied
2. Unsatisfied
3. Always growing
4. 1 and 3

I feel blessed to be 1 and 3,
Have a fabulous weekend,
Happy New Year,
Shabbat Shalom,

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Child Please!

This is the best face ever! Child Please, something looks delicious, mmm, mmm, mmm - or "What you talking about Willis (will only make sense if you grew up in the 80's)

I just am enjoying the "nice happy baby" side of motherhood so much, Matisyahu is just so much fun, and even when he complains, its for something, so once I figure out what it is, he is just fine.  He just started to crawl, just turned 9 months, he is trying to keep up with his brother and sister.

My older kids are in school, many Jewish schools in Los Angles have their main breaks over the High Holidays and Passover, so they are in school throughout the holiday season, and it is sooo good for us.  I have spent the past few days just hanging with my baby, yesterday mostly at home, I have been a bit under the weather.  Both my kids have runny noses, luckily the baby is ok, so I feel good, Thank God not sick, but the body is definitely fighting.  So Yesterday I decided to just stay in, do some house work and office work, and enjoy baby time.

Today he was at work with me all day, I had my Hot Mama Power Walk this morning, with a pregnant Mama, mine in my baby carrier, and another mama pushing her 2 year old in a stroller, awesome day to be outside.  Then I met my next client in Runyon Canyon, we didn't have too much time, sometimes having babies with you slows you down a bit, but moms understand :) we will meet there again, I love Runyon Canyon.

I feel like in the holiday season many people just give up til after New Year, but one of my friends and clients was ready right after her Christmas holiday, I am excited for people being ready to feel, look, and be their best as an example to everyone in their life, especially if you have kids.

Love my Life,
Love my Work,
Excited to Doula,
Excited to Inspire Health Starting with ME,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What are you putting in your body?

Lucky for me I only have one allergy, Sunflower Seeds, a bit odd, a bit uncommon, but I was just reading about it and its pretty scary.  Thank God sunflower seeds are not everywhere like peanuts and peanut products, and usually if I ate a little, I felt an itch in my throat and stopped and was OK.

I had a severe reaction a few years ago, which I just read is called:

which could be fatal for people with asthma and other respiratory diagnoses.  I know many people suffer all kinds of allergies, and in a lot of processed food, we really do not know what it is all mixed with.  I was just reading that sunflower oil is used in milk to bond vitamins, and sometimes when it says vegetable oil, it could be sunflower oil, now that is something that is being listed in the ingredients.  I only have an allergy to the seed, Thank God, so I always ask when we go to a home made meal, or to a restaurant.  Usually sunflower seeds are in more fancier places, and also in organic or natural food places.

I was at a restaurant in Las Vegas before I was married, so over 5 years ago, I ate something that tasted great, had no clue it had tons of sunflower seeds mashed in it, and if you read about the link above for the symptoms of Anaphylaxis, I had it all, hives, itching, everything coming out of every directions, felt like my stomach was constantly pumping the poison out.  The scary thing was, I had no clue why it was happening, I didn't connect that the food might have had sunflower seeds until later that night, I called the restaurant and confirmed it.  Thank God once it was out of my body, I was weak but OK, had a flight back to LA that night, and even went to work.

It is so important to get check ups, doctors and medicine have their place, I just like to find out that I am perfectly fine, and go on with my life.  Many of the epidemics we have today are called lifestyle diseases, especially diabetes and cholesterol, so scary that it is so avid in children. 
For the past 3 years I have been focusing on the nutrition side of things, yes for most of us its about:
1. Losing Weight

2. Gaining Lean Muscle
3. Maintenance and Energy

What I have noticed is that I feel the best I have ever felt in my life.  Even with no sleep, three kids, a demanding financial life, high energy husband and children, even when everyone is getting sick around me, I might get a sniffle, but my immune system is always winning the battle.  Love my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate, burns 80 calories per cup, packed with antioxidants, and many of my clients have given up coffee and soda, because with this amazing tea there is just natural energy,with no drop.

Feel so blessed for my Nutrition Program,
No Hunger,
Surplus Energy,
Getting Leaner,
Join Me,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Yep, I am talking about me :) some days I really am on another planet, there are warning signs, there is, as my husband likes to say, "common sense," but honestly none of that rings a bell or turns on a light bulb when the brain is in LA LA LAND.

My husband and I were running around yesterday with some errands, I was surprised that the streets were quiet, I thought the last minute holiday shoppers would be everywhere.  Even in shopping areas, it just wasn't that crazy.  That was nice, we had quite a few places to go to, it was easy to get around.  Luckily the kids Jewish school is open throughout the holidays, so we had time to get stuff done.

We were looking for a blanket for my daughter, she always takes off her blankets, and ends up coming to my side of the bed, and wants to get in.  I either let her in, or get out of my cozy bed, half asleep and take her back to her room, while she whines, quite loudly, and I do not want her waking everyone else up.

So I figured if we get her a blanket that she likes, that is all her own, she will keep it on the whole night and stay warm.  Went to one place, nothing, went to another place to show my husband an awesome glass baby bottle, with a rubber cover.  Our 3rd one was dropped last week, we had a few plastic new ones laying around just in case.  I am all about glass, easier to clean, healthier, and with the rubber cover, safer.  I have a glass water bottle, that has stayed intact with klutzy me :)

At this store they had hot apple cider, my husband tried some and told me it was extremely hot.  Once it cooled down a bit, he gave it to me and I gulped it down, it was delicious.  I took a cup of my own, and decided to take a big gulp - AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  My whole tongue and roof of my mouth were scorched!  The earlier warning went in one ear and out the other.

Next was our favorite shoe store, good brands 50%-70% off all the time, for men, women, and kids.  I needed a basic pair of boots for everyday, everything I own is super high heels, DONE!

Last stop we went to a shopping mall to look for the blanket for my daughter.  As we were getting out of the car, I knelt down to reach an extra blanket for the baby and banged my head super hard against the top of the car,  I obviously didn't clear it, and my "common sense radar" was off, OMG! it brought tears to my eyes.  Today my tongue still hurts, and acidy things really irritate it, like lemon, orange, and tomatoes.  My head hurts with certain facial expressions, and when I touch it.

Point of this blog:

Life will happen, but we still must function for our kids, to finish our day, you just keep at it, no matter what.  Some people are ecstatic over the holidays, and some are sad because maybe things didn't turn out as they "should" over the holidays.  Life still goes on, the highs of the holidays have to eventually be done, and we get back to life.  So the whole point of it all is that life goes on, enjoy every moment, the lows show us how good the highs are.  Even if things are not so great, that too shall pass.

Keep Living,
Enjoy Life,
Even with a bump on your head and a burnt tongue :)
Thank God the body heals so beautifully when we take care of ourselves,
Coach Yulia
The colors are opposite on my web cam for some reason, I am not a pink person, but my daughter is, her blanket is purple with pink hearts, and pink on the other side, those are her favorite colors, and my amazing glass water bottle with a drink spout, and a handle, is green, for all the things green stands for, I love earthy colors :)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to my friends all over the world, from my family to yours, I hope you are enjoying time with your loved ones. I feel so blessed to be so close to my parents and brother, even though we do not live close, we are always in touch.

I also feel blessed to be close to all of my cousins all over the world, even if we do not talk or cross paths for a while, they are always welcome here, and I am always welcome there. I had so much fun with my cousin visiting, and there was a huge family reunion in Miami last week, that I unfortunately could not go to. Excited to go to more reunions to come.

Family and Relationships are really the reason we are on this earth. Yes we also have a calling, gift, talent, passion, and somehow that all affects our fellow men and women who get touched by our actions.

Lately there is a lot of sadness over the horrendous acts that have been happening, makes us all ask, WHY? If you are miserable, why take innocent people, especially children, down with you?

None of these questions can really be answered, so all we can do is stay present to our blessings that we have in our life.

Treasure your family, friends, and community.
Happy Holidays,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Herbalife is KOSHER

Good Morning everyone,

What are you having for Breakfast?  In our world of Organic, Macrobiotic, Whole Grain, and other measures of healthy,natural eating, Kosher is at the top of the list.  Many people are buying Kosher products simply because they know there is a supervision on how the product is put together, and its cleaner than many other foods out there.

If you notice at the picture above, not only is this flavor called Strictly Kosher, but to the left of it is a little circle, that is called a Hechsher, a stamp of a Rabbi that certifies that it is Kosher, and in this case Parve, which means that it has no meat or dairy ingredients.

Everything else in Herbalife does not have this Hechsher, however it is on a Kosher List that comes out yearly, and is signed by a Rabbi, a direct phone number is provided for any questions.  The only products that have a Hechsher are Parve, everything else either contains dairy, or was made on Dairy Equipment.  Our Healthy Meal Shakes are all soy based, there is no Dairy inside, but since they are made on Dairy equipment, then they cannot be Parve.  This is important for some clients in my community who drink a certain kind of milk, they can only have the shake above.  Other clients who are able to have all kind of Kosher Dairy, are able to have all of our shakes because they are all Kosher and under the supervision of the Rabbi I mentioned above.

I love that Herbalife has thought ahead to make quality meal replacement and nutrition for athletes, that includes the Kosher Market and the Jewish Community.  We like to look and feel our best too!

If anybody wants more information or a copy of the Kosher list, please call or email me.

Coach Yulia

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Why did I wake them up!

As I have been sharing, sleep has been scarce in my house as of late.  They all are good sleepers, Thank God, but they all have been taking turns to wake up in the middle of the night, because of teething, clinginess, and unfortunately cold season is here.

So it is just after 9:30pm and I hope they are all out for the night.  We had a wonderful Day of Rest, went to the synagogue, saw tons of friends, kids had a great time playing, weather was gorgeous, food was delicious. 

We got home around 2pm, and I was exhausted, and excited to get all of us to bed.  The best way to make this happen is if the baby is out, he has his own bed, then as you see above is my king size bed, and I am in the middle, my son on one side and my daughter on the other.  This was from the other day, and I just loved how their hands were up and bodies turned similarly, so coordinated! seemed like a dance :)

So we probably didn't go to sleep until about 4pm, baby right before that, and at 5:30pm baby woke up, and I didn't want the kids sleeping too late, or they wouldn't want to go to sleep at a decent hour.  So I woke them up promising food and movies.  My daughter was super fussy and crying in my ear, took her a while to snap out of good nap mode, my son was ok with food and a movie, the baby is the happiest baby in the world, Thank God.

Overall not a bad idea to wake them from their nap, but now it was bed time, so many times they came out of their room, they have bunk beds:

I want a drink
I am hungry
The baby is loud
Put on my blanket

and this was after I gave them a vitamin (incentive for bed time always before bed) and said the night time prayer (Shma) - OY VEY!

The baby is just learning how to crawl, he is just 9 months, and oh so yummy, I think he was super excited, and also kept on sitting up, and not ready to be out for the night.

I think it finally happened, and its ok, because it is supposed to rain tomorrow, so I hope they sleep in.  Lucky me, my early risers usually get up at 6am no matter what - these are good problems :)

Have a great week,
Happy Sunday,
Shavua Tov,
Happy Holidays,
Coach Yulia


Friday, December 21, 2012

Relationship Business

I love being in the relationship business, I love people, meeting new people, reconnecting with people that I have met throughout my life, being of service to people.  Relationships are what life is about, and I actually need people to recharge my battery.  It is interesting because I also need rest to recharge my battery, so like everything in life, its a balance.  Now especially with family life, I feel like my business is my social life in a very positive way.  I got married at 34, so I had a very rich and adventurous single life, and feel blessed to have my family, and really do not miss single life at all.  I do however miss meeting new people, and having adult conversations, so it is such a pleasure, to run out of my house, at all times of the day and evening, and connect with adults and share energy.

There are people in our world that are introverts, enjoy working on their own, enjoy an office environment, Thank God for all types of types.  Computer workers, Scientists, Researchers, God Bless You, we need everyone to contribute in their own special way.

What I love about the business I am in, is that for my personality and character, I love getting inspired by people, and luckily that happens every day.  Inspired to see what is possible, inspired to dream, inspired to keep on refocusing on my goals, even when life happens.

I do not think I have had a good nights sleep in probably a month, overall my kids sleep good, but it has been cold, they have had colds, baby is teething, always early mornings.  What keeps me going is the work that I do, and the people that touch me as we discover together where they feel best.

Soooo ready for the Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia
Love my Dutch Chocolate Healthy Meal Breakfast

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Enjoy the Silence

When I have quiet, I can rest, think, plan, and just enjoy the calmness of the moment.  Some people need music to sleep, the TV always on, or be connected somehow to the phone or internet.  It is so nice to be disconnected by choice.  I love multi-tasking, but it does get to a point, especially with kids, that you do not have one moment to take a breath.

My cousin who was just here from Russia hit the nail on the head, she said I am always running around in Kilometers, basically a 5K every morning, and any other time my kids are around.  What happens is, as I make my way around the house, I see another thing that needs to get done, so I stop doing what I am doing and finish something else, then a child needs me, so I stop that, and then I just keep running, and "oh yeah-ing," as I see what has to be done.

Here is our usual morning:

No matter how late kids go to bed, we now try 7-8, because they always wake up 6am.

My husband goes to the synagogue, and I get the kids something to eat, the baby also wakes up at this time, luckily they are all good sleepers overall.  Lately not so much because of teething, sniffles, and DRAMA :) I am getting their lunches ready, trying to get myself ready, trying to get their clothes ready, I find myself checking the daily weather since ti changes all the time in our wonderful Los Angeles.

7:30 My husband comes home and it's bath time for Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia.  In the morning you ask?  It was a compromise we made, he loves to shower twice a day, but I insist the kids only once a day.  I know most parents give a night bath before bed, we do that for the baby.  I don't like the hair wet for the night anyway.  He likes them fresh and clean in the morning after the potty :) so the morning it is.  I get them dressed, and we get out the door to have them at school between 8:30am-9am.

I always say in Yoga, if you don't put yourself first, who else is going to do it.  It is not selfish, its self care.  Especially if you have kids, TAKE CARE OF MAMA AND PAPA!

Enjoy the cold weather fashion below,
Coach Yulia


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ready to Doula

We went to a birthday party marathon a few Sundays ago, one was 11am-1pm and the other was 2pm-4pm. Luckily the weather was gorgeous, at the first one they invited a musician, and he had some instruments, and Matisyahu was in awe, Ziona Sofia, a natural performer, just dove right in. Eli Tzvi dove into the fall leaves with his guitar, he liked to jam on his own.

When I was pregnant with my first, luckily it was a wonderful pregnancy, I honestly enjoyed it, and kept busy until the end.  I was also just doing my own Yoga routine, with modifications of course, up until month 9, and then I literally could not bend or stretch into certain poses, and that is when I found the world of Prenatal Yoga, and it had an immense impact on me.  I learned that contractions last an average of one minute, and I knew I could handle ANYTHING for one minute. 

I have been in my own mommy world for the past 5 years, and after Matisyahu, who is now 9 months old, I got inspired to be a Doula.  Specifically a Labor Doula, not a midwife who delivers, not a postpartum who helps the mom after the birth.  I am with the mother at the onset of labor, helping her find comfortable positions and get in her own zone, find her breath, massage, Yoga.  Before labor, we meet a few times, and learn about the exact birth that the mother would love to have, while being open to what she will need in the moment.  I had a Doula for my first two kids, and it really set me free, I was able to let go of control, because I knew someone qualified was in control.  I remember I would get out of my zone to check in and ask her "AM I OK?" and she would say yes, and that was good enough for me, just went back to my breath, and being in the moment of the miracle of it all.

I am currently in Doula Training and have clients lined up for February and March, for anyone that is interested in learning more about a Doula, or considering a Doula, please do not hesitate to call me with any questions, 323.377.0707.

During my training I am offering all of my services for $300, which will include prenatal visits, education, nutrition, labor, birth, and postpartum visits.  We would be constantly in touch, with any questions or advice that a mother might need.  My 10 years of Yoga instruction, Prenatal Yoga focus, and 3 babies has got me overjoyed to take this next step.

Coach Yulia

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Yom Huledet Sameach (Happy Birthday to You)

My wonderful brother in law Micha has a birthday today, and I want to wish him the best.  In the Russian tradition you with happiness, health, success, and love.  In the Jewish tradition he actually blesses us, he is like an angel on his birthday.

I was very lucky to have a wonderful brother growing up, we are 18 months apart and still close today.  I was so blessed to meet my husband, and now have a brother and a sister, and we clicked right away, and are so lucky to have each other in our lives.

Micha is just simply the best, not only is he a nice looking guy, but he is funny, a great uncle, and always lends a helping hand to anybody and everybody.  He is single, and whoever wins that prize will be a very lucky lady.

Thank you so much Micha for being the person that you are,
Ziona Sofia
Eli Tzvi
(I know Sam already called you this morning :)


Monday, December 17, 2012


It is so nice to share everything as a family, even sniffles.  Yesterday my kids did not leave the house, my oldest, Eli Tzvi luckily was spared and felt great, but it was also raining, so we entertained ourselves at home.  We do not watch too much TV as a family, so it is considered a treat, so are movies, and anything on the Internet, it is not an automatic to do in our house.  I would rather they play together with all of their fabulous toys and create fun stories, it is so fun to listen to them play.

Ziona Sofia and the baby had major sniffles, I just felt blah from no sleep.  I had a couple of Yoga classes and was grateful to leave the house to share energy and have a calm atmosphere, before coming back to entertain my troops.

Luckily today everyone feels better, but its still chilly and sprinkly outside, and its funny yesterday it said only 10% chance of rain, so what that really means is that its going to rain over 10% of Los Angeles, and lucky us we were the lucky 10% with a drizzle all day long.

My workout got cancelled due to the rain, so I decided to recharge by much needed sleep with my baby. I am headed to my gig at my children's school, and then have my Doula Training tonight.

I would like to ask all of you to email or facebook me recommendations of doctors, midwives, and even doula's that you had good experiences with.  I get these questions all the time, and would like to have referrals and options for my clients and friends.

Feeling a bit better after my nap, have a little, over an hour to tidy up, get myself and my baby ready and head to work.

Feeling blessed for days when it really seems the universe is doing what we need, although it is always doing what we need.

Positive Energy,
and our Gut,
are really in sync all the time,
All we have to do is PAY ATTENTION,
Stay Warm and Healthy,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, December 16, 2012

No Matter What

She is non stop, full of energy, go go go, OY VEY!

My daughter recently learned the word Schluff which in Yiddish means sleep, I wish she was doing a lot more of it.  She loves to put her dolls to sleep, cars to sleep, musical instruments to sleep, but herself, not so much.

Yesterday I kept her home because she is a little bit under the weather

No Sleep

Last night she went to bed OK, but woke up stuffy right after Midnight, and that was it for me,

No Sleep

Thank God Eli Tzvi is the best sleeper in the house, and even though the baby has a little sniffle, they were out good for the night, but of course woke up bright and early 6am as they always do.

But as all my fellow parents know, the show must go on, and that is what I am grateful for.  Getting ready for a workout this morning at Santa Monica Fit Club on the Beach.  Then have 3 Yoga classes to teach, and drop off some Herbalife Shakes to clients in my area.  My day is non stop and Thank God I have energy for it all because of my Nutrition Program.  I had my shake for breakfast, and first thing I had my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate, it is so amazing, no downs like coffe or other "energy drinks" with side effects, just a nice natural energy, and feels good warm during our Los Angeles Chill.

There are many workouts that anyone can join, I want to list them for you today, and from now on, I will be reminding you either in my blog or on Facebook, so if you are able to, you can get it in no matter what.  Honestly folks, either we choose a healthy active lifestyle, or we make excuses. Sure in the New Year it will all change, how has that worked for most of us before?

I love the concept of living healthy and balanced everyday, and indulging here and there.  Excess once in a while is moderation.  I even read somewhere that our body likes a jolt of sugar and spice, it gets it revved up to work, however on a constant basis it wears it down.

Here are workouts and evernts coming up for the rest of the week, please join me if you are ready to put yourself first, feel good, have energy for everyone and everything in your life.

Monday:  Sprint2Fit - Rancho/Cheviot Hills/Motor Park, goes by all 3, at Pico and Motor, 9am, an  amazing combination of drills for sprinters and runners, finishing of with Pilates and Yoga.

Tuesday: 10am Zumba for ladies in our community, only $10 per class or  $40 for 4 monthly. Starting this Tuesday 7:30pm Prenatal Yoga for the women in our community, Pico/Robertson area.
Hot Mama Power Walk 10am, Pilates 6pm, led and instructed by me.

Wednesday: 6pm Yoga taught by me, and if you are a member of 24 Hour Fitness or want to hike, get in touch, I am always looking for workout buddies.

Thursday: Hot Mama Power Walk 10am, and open for other workouts with or without baby.

Usually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are family days for me, so lucky to design my life, you can too, would love to connect and share energy, and brainstorm on what workouts people like to do.  Sometimes I squeeze in a workout on Fridays, and Sundays I meet clients at our Santa Monica Fit Club, usually bring my kids to play in the sand.

It's Go Time,
Why Wait,
Feel Your Best,
Look Your Best,
Be Your Best,
Let's Do It Together,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Freezing :)

It makes me laugh to even say that word when most of the world is actually in freezing temperatures, but for LA, this is the coldest it has been all year.  Yesterday we were invited out for Shabbat, and not only was it cold, it was raining, not a downpour, but still a constant drizzle, and we walk, it was a total of probably 8 blocks, I bundled up my daughter who sat in the front of the double stroller with a rain jacket, my baby was in a carseat in the back, put him in a hat and blankets plus the covers of the car seat and the stroller.

My oldest went to synagogue with my husband earlier, and I also gave him a rain jacket with a hood.  The company and dinner were absolutely wonderful, the walk home was more of the same, luckily it didn't rain any harder.

Woke up this morning, and read the other day that it wouldn't get any higher than 59 Fareheight, luckily our sun is super strong and hot.  I stayed home to try and rest with the baby and Ziona Sofia, nobody wanted to nap, so we put a blanket outside and sat outside in the warm sun waiting for my husband and Eli Tzvi to get home from synagogue.  We were invited for Shabbat lunch as well, luckily a few houses down from us, it was great, the kids go to school together and had a blast.  They have two older girls, and therefore have a full girls play area, house kitchen, strollers, high chair, all kinds of dolls, my daughter was in heaven.  I was telling them we have the opposite since Eli Tzvi was first, and my daughter loves cars, trains, and airplanes.  They have a baby boy about a year and a half, and I told them he was welcome anytime to our boy world, to play with our train table.

Since I grew up in Miami, whenever I see sun I feel like it will be warm.  Yes I was born in Moscow, Russia, yes I lived in Denver Colorado for 7 years until 14 years old, but honestly Miami spoiled me, when I first moved to LA, I was freezing, but now after a few really hot summers, I appreciate the cool weather even the rain, but yesterday and today I just couldn't dress warm enough.

Excited for a good night's sleep tonight to get ready for a full day tomorrow of Yoga classes and clients.  The good thing about teaching Yoga is even if I do not get enough sleep, and am tired, that energy is all good for Yoga :)

Feeling Blessed To Do What I Do,
I have always loved the balance of a little bit of everything,
In my Yoga,
In my Workouts,
In my life as a mother with kids,
It's all good in doses,
Find a Way to Recharge You,
Let's Talk,
Coach Yulia

(some of you have told me you want to comment directly on this blog, if you have a Gmail account it is easy to join it, and then you can comment, I would love for you to follow my blog directly, please contact me for details)

Here we are below on the last night of Chanukah, warming up our home, lighting up the world, Sam with the first match, and then a beautiful sight, the kids had such a blast this year, Thank God.


Friday, December 14, 2012


Heaven is a way to describe something wonderful, out of this world, even a once in a lifetime feeling.  I would like to say that my Matisyahu is heaven, just constant joy. 

I also just recently had some heaven, I napped while all the three kids napped too!  I used to be a big napper when I was single, and it was really my recharge, I didn't need caffeine or sugar, just some zeez.

Last night for some reason, all the kids were fussy, the baby kept on waking up, this morning he had a big poop, so maybe it was processing.  My girl lately is just super clingy, and came to my bed just after 1am, and when I finally moved her back, was still fussy, so I laid down with her, very uncomfortable sleep, there is nothing like our own bed.  My oldest just started crying out of the blue, and when I went to him, I just saw his blanket was off, he was probably cold, so once I covered him, he was out for the rest of the night.

I feel refreshed now, we are eating out tonight for Shabbat, getting ready, lighting Chanukah candles before Shabbat Candles, and bundling up for our 5 block walk, yes it is chilly for us Hollywood perfect weather peeps.

Thank God For Problems Like These,
Happy Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stay At Home Mom's, Hats Off To You

OMG! How do you do it, stay at home mom's? I have 3 days with my kids off of school, and am looking for things to do to keep them entertained while trying to keep the house together and get my work done.

The baby is napping and my son and daughter are playing together, so I have a moment.  In my single life I was always jumping from one adventure to another, leaving everything behind in one without looking back, no regrets, excited for a new stage in life.  I did just that when I met Sam in January, got married in August, had our first son the following September, and two more to follow.  However this is one adventure I will not step off of, it is for life, and that's what makes it a challenge for my personality.

In no way do I want it to ever end, but sometimes it gets overwhelming, because my personality and character gives everything, and when children are little they mostly take.  Of course you feel their love, and it is an investment in the future, but in the moment of it all, sometimes it is hard with all the whining, complaining, crying, negotiating, and we are the parent, friend, lawyer, referee, etc.

So yesterday I took them all around town, today we met one of my clients for my Hot Mama Power Walk, and had a nice day at the park after.  Now we are at home, its a bit chilly for us LA folk, so I made them some pasta for lunch, yes sometimes I can whip up something yummy, and now going to chill, clean, maybe watch a movie.

They have a lot going on with school and on Shabbat they always see their friends in the synagogue, so once in a while I think it is healthy for them to be home.  Just like they say so many toys out there make noise, move, do all the work for the brain, overstimulation is in our culture.  As a Yoga teacher, I firmly believe we need to balance it with down time and real life.

The kids are climbing all over me, so I gotta bolt, and get back to my day of Stay At Home Mom,
God Bless all of you that are Domestic Engineers, its the most challenging job in the world.

Coach Yulia


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Full Life

I had a deep conversation with one of my closest friends that I have known since seven years old.  We were talking about children, and she is recently married and they have not taken that step yet.  She has achieved so many amazing things in her life, and was feeling that children have to come before our own personal dreams.  I was telling here it is not so, I am still striving, dreaming, learning, you just figure out how to do it around your kids.

My cousin pointed out that yes for the first year after a child is born, yes our life is theirs, but once we feel that we can leave them with a babysitter if we have a meeting or a night out, then absolutely anything is possible.  Luckily my older ones are in an amazing school, and my baby is a go with the flow kind of guy.  I am also lucky to be able to take him with me to many of my gigs, in the gyms they have a kids club, and I run a few Mommy and Me type of events, so he is along for the ride.

It is when my kids are off of school that I find that everything revolves around them, not only that their needs come first and then off to school they go, but I really want to plan their day, make it fun and get them out of the house.  They are off for Chanukah the next few days, and I took them today to an amazing Chanukah event at a Police Station where they train new recruits.  They got to hang inside a police car and a motorcycle, see a k-9 dog that sniffs bombs, and even a video game room where you shoot targets, we were shooting at gallons of milk :)


Feeling blessed to have the time to be with my kids, the baby was along for the ride, and chilling and enjoying as usual, God Bless Him!

I am excited after everything that has happened positive and challenging, to fully focus on my Herbalife business around my Yoga, and Prenatal and Doula clients.  It is so exciting to know that I have everything that I need to achieve everything that I have ever wanted in life.  It is so nice to earn my keep doing what I love.

I am always looking for team mates,
Let me know what you are up to,
Let me know what your dreams are,
What drives you, Why you get out of bed,
Those conversations are brainstorms that lead to success,
Let's do it together,
Coach Yulia

My Apologies

In the course of my non stop day I always find a moment to blog, yesterday the moment kept getting pushed, and by the end of the day I was so tired from good stuff, I literally forgot.

After the kids went to school, I was waiting for my morning client who was coming to my house.  Then I had to run to see Eli Tzvi's class perform a Chanukah play, it was really amazing.  A full production, and his teacher said he was initially very shy, but forged ahead, got in costume, and said his part to a full audience, he may have a career in theatre yet :)

Then I ran to a Dr. Checkup, and after that I was working at my children's school for a few hours.  Once we got home, I was hanging out with the kids, and getting ready for my evening Pilates class.

I ran home after the class, grabbed Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia and ran to the annual Chanukah party out on our streets.  I was so excited for the kids to really enjoy it this year since they were a little bigger.

First we got pizza's, then stood in line for half an hour for the most amazing balloon man ever, Eli Tzvi got a sword with a holster, and Ziona Sofia got the most amazing doll with long flowing balloon hair.

Then we got in line for a cool airplane ride, Ziona Sofia almost went, but then got scared, Eli Tzvi really liked it, he is really growing up, has a lot of courage to try new things.

We got home after 9pm, putting them to bed took time, I plopped on the couch next to my husband to relax a bit, my brain was off, went right to bed, and was woken up in the middle of the night to the baby having so much pee pee, that his clothes and bed were wet.  I changed him, and he wasn't in the mood to sleep anymore, eventually he did.

The next 3 days the kids are home for Chanukah, no school, and there are tons of events around town.  I will try to post again tonight to make up for yesterday :)

Sorry to keep y'all waiting,
Coach Yulia

Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Chanukah

I am very excited about Chanukah this year, especially because my kids really get it, all the history, food, celebrations, and fun.  It has been such a whirlwind the past few weeks, with my father in laws passing and my cousin coming into town.  She left this afternoon, and I am really going to miss her, we had such a blast, our character is very similar, we like many of the same things.

Also focusing on my work, keeping firm on my nutrition program and exercise regimen, my kids, a business seminar that ended tonight after 12 weeks, and my Doula Training which has just begun.  I just got home and I am exhausted, however feeling so blessed for the non stop.

Today my husband went to school with my children, where they had a special program for father's.  Tomorrow my son has a Chanukah play.  Wednesday through Friday they have no school, so I will take them to various Chanukah events around Los Angeles, one of which is at a police station, with a K-9 unit and a police helicopter flying overhead.

I am excited about the New Year around the corner and people getting serious about their health with all the resolutions.  I love to educate my clients about a healthy active lifestyle, that is fun and easy to maintain and do.  It's not a quick fix, it is about permanent healthy change over time.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cold Weather Fashion - Los Angeles Edition

Here I am in Moscow during winter time,
all bundled up, probably around 6 years old
My cousin lives five hours outside of Moscow, and now it is literally freezing temperatures, way below zero on the Celsius scale.  She is cracking up how in our weather we wear boots, hats, scarves, and bundle up for our picture perfect weather.

In LA, as well as Miami where I used to live, its all about accessories and accessorizing.  What boots are in style, what colors go together, what is the fashion of the season. 

It is fun to pretend that we actually have weather out here.  I do not mind at all, growing up in Miami made my blood thinner and when I first moved to LA twelve years ago, I was freezing.  Now after our summer heat waves, this cool weather is so refreshing.  In Miami, it is tropical downpours, and I don't even mean the hurricanes, I was in a major one when I lived there, Hurricane Andrew in the early 90's.  Every summer there is a warm rain, and it is hard to drive in it, the water is above the wheels sometimes on the highways.

Rain is very rare in Los Angeles, and everyone gets out their designer rain jackets, and umbrellas.  Recently it rained and even in my kid's pre-school, everyone had umbrellas.  Luckily in our Downtown LA, we have an area where you can get everything that is everywhere else for almost nothing.  I got 2 umbrellas for the kids for five dollars. SCORE!

Be Stylish My Friends,
I know I love to be,
We are so blessed that we do it for FASHION and FABULOUSNESS,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Still Got It

Before I got married, when my parents would visit LA, I would have a whole itinerary planned.  I had very colorful friends, we would always meet for dinner in fun restaurants all over LA, trying the different cuisines of all the different cultures out here.  They would have a blast, and always looked forward to it, and even considered moving here from Miami before my brother had his son and needed their help.

Luckily with our own businesses, and flexibility in our schedules, allows my husband and I to be with our kids and arrange our day as we wish.  We are so blessed to do what we love, support each other, and feel free of bosses and corporate crap :)

I took my cousin to LA Live in Downtown LA, and right there in the middle of it all is our main Herbalife office, it is so powerful and so amazing how far the company has come in branding and sports nutrition.  The CEO used to work for Disney, and really took the company to a new level, wanting to raise the branding to the level of Nike, Coca Cola, and Disney, and he is succeeding.

So its really cool for my cousin to see how non stop I am, and appreciate how much energy, time, love, and attention I give to my kids.  It is not easy for me, after 34 years of singledom, and only surrounding myself with people that I chose, kids are the only ones in our lives that we must tolerate, learn from, teach, and be an example for.

So I have shown her an amazing time, around my kids, around my father in law's passing, around my work, and enjoy that I still have the knack for a fabulous itinerary.  We were thinking of a Los Angeles tour, but I could not find one in Russian, and all the places tours take her to are close by, so we have seen every nook and cranny that would be of interested to a visitor, and she has had a blast and is in awe.

I am having fun being out as well, with three little non stop kiddies, I do not get out much, so I have had a blast as well.

I feel so blessed to do what I love with Yoga, Nutrition, and now adding Doula to that list, and that is how I make a living and support my family.

Herbalife makes it possible,
If you want to know more,
Let's Talk,
Coach Yulia

Friday, December 7, 2012

Non Stop Fun

Just got our hair did, Natasha and I, my beautiful Ziona Sofia has naturally fabulous hair, jumped in for our fashion pic :)  My cousin is having so much fun learning all about Los Angeles and all of the fun places we are visiting, and people we are meeting.

She is excited to see my Jewish life and culture, so tonight she will enjoy our weekly family meal, and tomorrow she will see how we all get dressed nice, spend the day enjoying spirituality, conversation, time with our kids and our community. 

I was telling her that for me its a life saver, without it I would never turn off.  A complete day off is so powerful.  We do not turn on the computer, TV, drive our car, or even the telephone.  It is kind of nice to be cut of from the busy world, actually especially nice, refreshing, and free.

Afterwards I feel recharged to go go go once again.  Tonight it starts extra early at 4:27pm Pacific, since the sun sets so early in December in Los Angeles, but it also ends early Saturday night, so we can still go out and have fun, especially since its the first night of Chanukah.

Life is so fun!
And so is a break from it all, even the beautiful things,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Spa Day

Notice the date, its from her Russian camera, it is December 7th because they are 12 hours ahead

I had such a nice day today with my cousin, first took her to Santa Monica, drove around, then walked the pier and had some tea.  Then drove to Venice Beach to see the wild side a bit, and then headed to our spa date :)  The Korean Spa really knows how to do it right for an amazing price.  First we enjoyed the jacuzzi, sauna, and steam room, then a body scrub, massage, cucumber facial, hair wash, all topped off with a milk bath.

Ran to pick up the kids from school, had the baby with us in the morning before the spa.  Feeling blessed for quality time.  We have Chanukah coming up this weekend, non stop parties for the kids, birthday parties, and tomorrow I will show my cousin Hollywood Blvd.  I know, for those of us living here, no big deal, but its a must do when someone visits.

Excited for our day tomorrow, eyebrow threading, Yoga, Hollywood, and getting our hair did by the most talented artist in town, Woo Hoo!

Have a great day Everyone,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Losing it (literally)

Just picked up some professional pictures from Sears Portrait Studio, which were nice, but there is nothing like capturing a moment like the one below, my baby is hanging with my husband.

Running around today with tons of errands, have a couple of clients, a class tonight, my cousin is coming back from her Russian tour of Las Vegas and Grand Canyon, got a fun time planned for her.  She is excited to see my Jewish life, and Chanukah starts Saturday night, I am very excited.
Last night I could not find something important, it doesn't really matter what it was, but if I lost it, my husband would be furious.  So I started getting into detective mode, retracing my steps, looking in every nook and cranny.  It is something that does not belong to us, and I am holding it for someone.  Luckily there was a possibility that I left it accidentally at my job yesterday, so when I dropped the kids off at school, I ran into the office, and a wave of relief passed over me as I saw it.
I didn't want to say anything before, but it was eating at me, I didn't want anyone to know until I checked everywhere.  Thank God it turned out OK, but this is something that I do, I misplace my phone, keys, sunglasses, and other important things mindlessly.  I need to have a place to put them and a checklist before I leave.  I told myself not to stress, and overall slept good, but honestly I am still recovering from the "what if."
Learning, Growing, Accepting, Respecting, Forgiving, Balancing, incorporating systems that work for you.  It is all a process, and if you know your goal and what you want and are looking for results, the systems are always growing and changing with you.
Life is just magic,
Coach Yulia


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Someday vs Today

Saba and Eli Tzvi watching TV at our house

As with all of us, my thoughts are constantly jumping around, and when I sit down to write, new things pop up to what I wanted to write about earlier.  My kids are in school, my husband along with his brother and sister and extended family are mourning together for seven days, today is the 6th day.  Friends come over to my father in laws apartment, bring food, reminisce, we were there with a lot of kids the other day, and they were running around, making noise, bringing life into a sad moment in time. 

There is a picture of my father in law with my son when he was a baby, he saw it and said, there is Saba, grandfather in Hebrew.  I have told him that Saba is with Hashem, God, and he is trying to understand it and asks interesting questions.  I am so curious to learn more about his life, he had a huge family, and travelled all over the world, ran from the Holocaust, served in the Israeli Army as well as the Romanian army where he was born.

So it all relates to the topic of the day, the real question is "Why Not Today?"  I am taking an amazing seminar that has me delving into how I operate and why.  We were talking about how amazing my parents are, they were well educated in Russia, my mom graduated from Moscow Conservatory, was a conductor for choirs, and my father was a Mechanical Engineer.  They left for my brother and I without looking back, no regrets, no resentment. 

My father with no language worked in restaurants, cleaned toilets, eventually got a job as a draftsman, we bought a Sub shop called Joyce's Subs, in Denver, Colorado.  My brother and I would take a bus from school to work there and help out, and we loved eating anything we wanted :)

One thing that I became aware of in yesterdays seminar is that my parents worked so hard and always said that "Someday" they will enjoy life, go on vacation, have a break, and that is the immigrant mentality.  There is a living to make, there are children to support, not only now, but later for college, etc.

I did not like the "Someday" concept, I told my father, no matter what I do I will have fun :) and the funny thing is that I switched it around.  My father worked and made money and someday he would have fun.  I would have fun and someday would make money.  I have been so blessed to attract the most beautiful things in my life, including travel, wild adventures, Yoga, my husband and my new life.  The one thing that I do not attract is money, because deep down I connect it with working like a dog, not spending time with kids, and eventually the health suffering.

It is so amazing to become conscious to what I decided at a very young age, money is not happiness.

Here is my new decision and way of looking at life;

I have found a way through Yoga, Herbalife, and being a Doula to make a good living doing what I love, inspiring others, giving people a glimpse of what is possible.  All I have to do is share that it doesn't have to be someday, it can be today if you choose and take action.

Coach Yulia

Monday, December 3, 2012

Moment to Moment

Not that I am complaining, but my life and schedule literally changes from moment to moment.  What I am working on is how to manage it effectively.  I have been taking an amazing business seminar for my Herbalife business, and I learned that in my circumstance it is important to time how long different tasks take, for instance this blog is usually 15 minutes at most.  So when my day instantly changes, I can use my time effectively and insert what has priority.

This past week for instance has been a whirlwind with my father in laws passing, to my cousin flying in from Russia, to family and friends flying in for the funeral and mourning. 

My cousin went to a tour of Las Vegas and Grand Canyon for a couple of days, it's raining so my workout and appointments got cancelled, so the priority of today is to take it easy as I clean and organize the house.  I just dropped the kids at school, and its nice to have a quiet house, and a moment to write the blog :)

Yesterday I took Eli Tzvi to a birthday party of one of his classmates, it was at a kids gym, and he had a ball, running around, playing games, and eating pizza.  My wonderful girlfriend that helped with the babies during the funeral came over to have a date with my daughter, watch movies and eat ice cream. 

Excited to take the video with my phone, still learning about my iPhone, and the coolest thing happened today, I just parked my car, and called my cousin's family in Russia on Skype from my phone that I downloaded the other day.  The audio went to my bluetooth, and the camera had to be pointed to me in order for them to see me.  Sometimes modern technology is really exciting.  But I always like to say, technology is really good when it works :)  Broken computes, phones, copy machines, etc are quite frustrating.  It is funny how our patience and attention span is so short, if the internet is slow, we get antsy.

Oh life,
Oh the problems,
If these were the worst problems,
Then there is really nothing to complain about,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I am quite the detective, I lost my regular glasses that I need for driving and watching TV, and my prescription sunglasses.  Not good, its been raining lately in LA, which it rarely does, and I put on a coat that I haven't worn in a while, reached in the pocket and found my glasses, that was Friday.  Saturday night I get in my car, look in the cup holder area, and my sunglasses are looking at me.  These things I would have never found, I really thought my sunglasses were in the house.

Besides those two situations, I can usually retrace my steps, or it sometimes feels like I am following my intuition.  We rarely throw things away, so they have to be somewhere in the house.  Here is where organization is important, but with 3 babies quite a challenge.  Slowly but surely, it has been an adventurous day, quite drizzly, my cousin decided to go shopping, so I dropped her in a big mall and shopping center and went to a birthday party for my son's friend, I had a girlfriend come hang out with my daughter, the baby came with me.

Feeling tired from all the happenings, but also feeling blessed for the people in my life.  I have cancelled most of my classes and clients, but tonight I have a Yoga class that I give to my community, and I feel like I need it for me.  My cousin is excited to try Yoga with me as well.

Oh, I hear the baby, he is awake, Happy Week Everyone.
Coach Yulia 

Saturday, December 1, 2012


This picture was taken 15 years ago in Russia, at my uncles "summer house," which is a wooden shack in the country with an outhouse.  I was 25 years old, when I turned 26 I was working on cruise ships.  Natasha is my first cousin from my dad's side, her mother is his sister.  I didn't realize how long ago this picture was, she was pregnant with her daughter who is now 15.

She just arrived today from Moscow direct, she looks amazing, she is a lawyer in a small town 5 hours outside of Moscow, and looking great and doing great.  So cool that we have been communicating on Skype, and she just talked to her family on Skype to let them know she got here safe.

So excited to spend time with her, then she goes on to visit my parents and brother, and extended family.  What I love about family is that no matter how different our lives are, and sometimes we are not able to talk for long periods of time, we are always welcome no matter what.  I feel so blessed to have a close family all over the world. 

Even though its a sad circumstance with my father in law's passing, I am seeing my husband's family that I haven't seen in a while.  It is so nice to be together, comfort each other, and reminisce.

I am excited when my children are older to visit all our families together. 

Enjoy your week everyone,
Coach Yulia